MTV’s The Challenge: All-Stars Recap Episode 4

MTV’s The Challenge: All-Stars Recap Episode 4 “Semi Charmed Lifesaver” This is a perfect ‘middle of the season’ episode. Nothing too interesting happened. Just enough so that the story keeps going forward, but you could definitely still scroll Instagram while you’re watching.

It starts out, as always, with everyone hanging out at the house. Beth is missing her family and we see her husband and 2 kids on a FaceTime call. Super cute. We find out Arissa is a cannabis chef. She infuses cannabis into different entrees. Huh. She’s having a hard time being around people all the time and that might be the only thing I have in common with Arissa.

The Challenge

It’s a ropes course over water so we all know Katie is probably not going to participate. If you’ve been watching this season or any other season, Katie always gets hurt over water. They play the montage of her injuries every time she mentions it, and I don’t blame her for not wanting to do this. If that was my track record, I would sit out too.

The challenge is pretty straightforward. They’re separated into teams and you race across the ropes to the other side. If you get to the other side first, you can cut one of the other team’s ropes making it hard for them to continue.

I’m not going to list out all the teams because it honestly doesn’t matter. (If you want me to continue to write down the teams and it’s an important part for you, let me know in the comments and I’ll keep doing that!)

What you DO need to know is that Jonna fell off the ropes and someone in editing really had some time on their hands and played “Hold On” by Wilson Phillips and showed Jonna falling in SLOW MOTION. It was so awesome and so sad at the same time. It’s a female day so automatically, Beth who was the female captain of the losing team is going into elimination. Ruthie is safe because she was the captain of the winning team and Mark has the mysterious lifesaver. I’m sick of everyone talking about it but being scared to not use it.


@mlafon25 knows what’s up!

Beth is talking to Jemmye and says she wants to go against either Katie, Arissa, or Kendal. Thank God Jemmye has played this game and has any sense in her. She (along with everyone watching) tells Beth that you definitely want Arissa out of those 3. Mark will use the Lifesaver on Katie and Kendal, though unlikeable, is really athletic and will kick Beth’s ass.

The Deliberation

Katie ends up nominating herself. She says it’s only fair because she chose to not participate in the challenge. Noble, but dumb. She would have never gotten voted in if she left it up to the house.

The Elimination

Mark finally uses the long-awaited, much-anticipated LIFESAVER to save Katie. (Just like Jemmye predicted. Y’all better listen to her!) Everyone had been guessing that when you use the Lifesaver you have to then put someone else in. NOPE. You do a vote right then and there. No time to discuss and strategize. I love this because you can tell who’s aligned and many vendettas are going to be created this way. I put my phone down and really watched this part, it was the most interesting part of the whole episode.

Darrell asks Beth who she wants and she says Arissa so most of the people just vote for her. That makes sense, right? It’s not personal, Arissa is the smallest girl and Beth thinks she has a good chance of winning. You get it. I get it. We all get it except for Arissa. Girl GOES OFF. Starts cursing everybody out, saying they’re snakes and she hates all these motherfuckers.

The elimination was something with concrete walls and balls and breaking stuff, it sounded and looked so complicated. I’m glad that I don’t have to explain it to you because no one got that far. Arissa continued to yell at everyone and then straight up quit and walked away. You know how TJ feels about quitters. His exact words were “I hope we see you never.”

Search #challengeallstars and #wewantogs on Twitter for more great tweets

Final Thoughts

This show better receive an Emmy nomination for music because every episode is filled with bops that you forgot all about and then immediately add to your playlist.

You can follow ChallengeTeaa on Instagram for more Challenge-related gossip and tweets about the episode.

Next week we see a possible love connection between Jisela and Alton. GET IT GIRL. GET IT FOR ALL OF US.

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