Category: Lifestyle

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summer rules

5 Rules My Family Is Getting Rid Of This Summer

Summer is here next week and like every parent, I am a mixture of pumped and nervous. Hell yeah to no more rushing out the door and arguing over homework, but worried about how we’re going to fill all these hours and arguing over snacks. We definitely have fun in the summer and we don’t...

Fun Mom

I’m Not The Fun Mom

I am not the fun Mom. My kids do not think I’m fun. When it is time for bedtime or deciding who is going to take them to an activity, there are audible groans if I’m the designated parent for the job. Sometimes there are more than just groans, they have all-out complaints. You see,...

guide to starting a blog

Girlfriend’s Guide To Starting A Blog

So you’re thinking about starting a blog and wondering if it’s for you. There are hundreds of other blog posts that will walk you through the technical part of it. If you want to know step-by-step how to set up your email list, just type that into Pinterest, and people much more qualified than me...

mother's day gift ideas

Mother’s Day gift ideas she’ll actually love

Moms can be tricky to buy for. We scold you if it’s too expensive, but we don’t want it to be total crap either. We want to feel special but also need to be practical. Those leather leggings I saw? Ah-Ma-Zing. But where would I wear them? I am either going to a playdate or...

How I parent with anxiety and depression

How I Parent With Anxiety And Depression

Although fortunately, the stigma around mental illness is lessening, it isn’t completely gone yet and it can be one more thing to feel guilty about as a mom. Parents that live with depression, anxiety, or both, have some struggles ahead of them for sure, but it can also be a great blessing. Our kids have...

Inspirational Quotes


I’m a big believer in “What we think about, we bring about” so it shouldn’t be a surprise that I’m really into vision boards and saving different quotes. I have quotations and book excerpts written in notebooks, scrawled on post-it’s, and in screenshots on my phone. These are all quotes that I have personally saved...

chaos coordinator finding your purpose

Finding Your purpose in your passion

Well-meaning people have started asking me what I’m going to do now that all my kids were all in school. Um, what? Being a stay at home mom WAS my plan, I didn’t know I was expected to have TWO PLANS. I need another plan now?! If you’re feeling like this too: a little lost...

Is modern motherhood easier for extroverts? Childhood, and therefore Motherhood, is filled with organized activities and social groups. I would argue that extroverts have it easier. What can you do if you're an introvert parenting in an Extrovert's world. Let's talk!

Modern Motherhood Favors Extroverts

Modern motherhood favors extroverts. Motherhood is filled with a staggering amount of social landmines. There are playgroups to navigate and playdates to coordinate. There are birthday parties to attend and organize, PTA meetings to volunteer for, and so much more. Even in gymnastics, a sport where I just have to drop off, the parents sit...

Making friends as an adult, and as a mom, can be HARD! Let's talk about easy and practical ways to do it!

Easy Ways to Find Mom Friends

You see them everywhere. Groups of moms at the park having a picnic, a cluster of women chatting at soccer practice, even the moms that just ran into each other at Target and are taking up the whole aisle catching up. How did they meet? How are they all friends? Don’t worry! You can find...

Have you ever had a SO HARD parenting fail?! ME TOO! They make the best stories, don't they?

Learn from my Parenting Fail

Parenting fails are my favorite thing. I love reading and hearing about other people’s, and I like telling people about mine. Every so often on the blog I’ll share a story from my (very extensive) Parenting Fail Vault. A huge part of my mission is to make mom’s feel less alone. We’re all in this...

spin class

Thoughts I Had In Spin Class

Do you go to a gym that has group fitness classes? Recently I took a cycle class at my local gym and I had some thoughts. I SO want to be one of those moms at the gym-that drop their toddlers off in the daycare (wearing BOTH socks) happy to be there. I’m so jealous...

practical self care ideas for busy moms


Modern self-care is bullshit, and here’s why. We all read the articles about self-care. It’s like the new buzz word, especially during Covid. “Make sure you’re practicing self-care!” “Self-care is vital during the pandemic!” But what does that look like? I recently read an article where they outlined some self-care tips and here’s what was...

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