HOW you can let go of your PARENTING EXPECTATIONS

I'm a little less Pinterest, and more just passable. Let's talk about why you need to leave the expectations at the door!

I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest

How can you let go of your parenting expectations? I became a mom in 2011 when Pinterest was just becoming a thing. I was obsessed. I cursed it for not being around during my wedding because I truly had no idea the potential of burlap until Pinterest showed me.

I had a Pinterest board titled “Baby Food” and looking back on that, as a seasoned mother of 3, I just have to laugh. How could the ideas be any more complex than, “Take some food and blend it. Serve wearing a tarp.” I also thought I was going to rock baby sign language. I ended up deleting that board after a while because I felt guilty seeing it and scrolling right on by. Turns out it’s harder than it looks.

And that was my issue, really. What you see online is harder than it looks.

I so wish I was a Pinterest Mom.

I’ve been the mom making themed food for a 3-year-old’s birthday party, with a guest list that only includes other 3-year-olds. They just learned how to not shit in their pants, and I want them to compliment me on my sandwiches cut into the shape of Cinderella’s slipper. I was exhausted, and all it did was make me feel bad. I’m not crafty by nature, so it wasn’t an enjoyable experience making playdough from scratch, or doing a craft with egg cartons and pipe cleaners. And I was always disappointed with the final result too. My kids weren’t any more cultured or enriched. I was just tired and crabby.

RELATED BLOG POST “Why I Love My Kids But I Don’t Always Like Them”

So I quit.

You can too. Let’s quit trying to be that Pinterest Mom. I’m not saying it’s bad to be that kind of mom, some moms are so naturally crafty, and party planning is their thing. That’s amazing and I want to attend your kid’s parties. I do think it’s bad though to think you HAVE to be that kind of Mom. I didn’t do baby sign language with my kids, and they still are great at communicating. I gave up making their baby food and they have more sugar in their diet than I’d like, but they are healthy and active kids.

Their rooms aren’t going to win any design awards but I remember searching the internet for just the right changing table cover. Not too girly, but feminine and it had to match the woodland theme. Do you know what happened to that changing table cover? One day my daughter blew out her onesie, had poop up to her ears, I cut her out of her clothes, and threw everything away. I never even replaced the cover, it was just the plastic pad from then on out. I guess that was a glimpse of what was to come.

Now I’m Free

When you have no expectations for the activity other than “I hope I bring them all back” that is so freeing. And then the day (usually) exceeds all expectations and you’re happy with that! When you stop comparing and start enjoying, the best part of being a parent can begin. You realize what the things are that you actually care about, and what you can let slide. Or things you think you should care about are so not important. (Looking at you screen time) Our kids watch real horror movies, we’ve had parties with no discernable theme, they don’t know a second language, and honestly, I’m not sure when the last time they had a bath was. But I don’t care. I’m free.

Free to be the world’s okayest mom

What are you the okayest at? Cooking a nutritious-ish dinner? Teeth brushing? We all have some areas we let slip because if I was on top of it all, I would be a raging psychopath. I want to know what you’re letting slip? Comment below!



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