The Challenge: All-Stars Recap Episode 5

The challenge

MTV’s The Challenge: All-Stars Episode 5 Recap “Nothin’ But An OG Thang”

The episode starts off where they left off after Arissa quit. Beth was saying it’s not personal and she’s disappointed Arissa felt like it was. Numerous other challengers echo the statement.

You can read my last recap HERE

In an interview, Syrus talks about feeling ready to compete at a high level even though he’s 50. (Wait, he’s 50?! I feel so old now.) He is planning a wedding and would like the money to make his wedding day extra special. They immediately cut to Alton climbing a pillar outside and most of the guys fan-girling over him and his physicality. With this editing, I am suspecting a Syrus/Alton showdown.

The Challenge

TJ says it’s “A Mini Final.” Everyone is looking forward to seeing how everyone else does in this challenge because it’ll show you want to run a final with, and also who you definitely wouldn’t. Teams of 6 race to a puzzle checkpoint. Once you solve it, you pick up a heavy log and all 6 of you carry it to the next checkpoint. [They’ve thrown in this log twist before and it’s good TV. You always get people arguing and complaining. I’m looking forward to this part.] At the final checkpoint, you will split into girl/guy pairs [sidenote: Raise your hand if you are sooooo over the girl/guy pairings. 2 guys or 2 girls can be partners. I think it’s time, MTV] and solve yet another puzzle. Then you pick up a small log and you race as individuals to the finish line. It’s a guy’s day so the first guy is safe, the last guy automatically goes to The Arena.

The first checkpoint goes off without anything dramatic happening. The run with the log is where we see some action. [I told you!] We find out that Syrus has a bad ankle so I’m assuming he’s going to be the one holding his team back, but GUESS WHAT-it’s Alton! Alton apparently has no endurance and can’t run this long distance. I thought they were going to have to call the medic. Alton is really slowing his team up but they make it to the second checkpoint with no medical intervention and everyone splits up into pairs. Syrus is with Beth and Alton is with Jonna. It’s a hard color-coded puzzle that takes most teams a lot longer than you’d think to complete. LT (I am aware that he goes by Laterrian now but in my head and heart he’s always LT) is first and Syrus and Beth are last.

Syrus says he thinks Alton sabotaged him and feels betrayed and quite frankly, pretty pissed. He tells Mark that he wants to go against Alton. Everyone is like, you sure dude? That guy climbs pillars in the front of the house for fun and you’re 50. But Syrus is all up in his feelings and he’s sure he wants Alton.

The Deliberation

Mark brings Syrus’s message to the group and a lot of people do vote for Alton based on that request. Jisela, the only voice of reason, says yeah ok this is what we have been doing; letting them choose, but how long can that go on? Jisela (rightly) claims they need to do what’s best for the group as a whole and start thinking about the final and she votes Big Easy. Big Easy ends up getting some votes but not as many as he should have, and Alton is voted in.

The Party

I want to go to one of these parties. It just seems like the most fun with an awesome group of people. I have huge FOMO every time. There’s a little gameplay talk, nothing too interesting. There’s some cute flirting between Alton and Jisela that I’m too excited for. When they go home they show Jisela and Alton talking and then through night vision camera [the best kind of footage, if you ask me] we see them get under the covers. GET IT GIRL.

the challenge

The elimination

TJ tells them they’re done with the Lifesaver. Anyone else feel like production just makes the rules up as they go? There was no way having a Lifesaver for 4 episodes, and it only being used once, and then getting rid of it, was in their master plan.

TJ throws in ANOTHER twist that production may or may not have just made up, and that’s every elimination from now on is going to be a DOUBLE ELIMINATION. Alton is told he needs to pick a female partner to do this elimination with, and Beth is going to be Syrus’s partner because she also came in last place. So now this is a hard choice. You want to pick someone good and who you trust, but you’re going to be responsible for them getting eliminated if you lose. Alton chooses Aneesa, saying she has the experience, she’s tough, and he trusts her. I think that’s actually a great choice.

Remember last week’s final that I didn’t even explain because it was too complicated, and I was so relieved I didn’t have to because Arissa just bailed? Well, they do that one again. I guess they couldn’t let it go to waste. There are walls and one player breaks through them and the other one has to go OVER the wall to the other side. It’s all a little confusing, and then you have to do it FIVE times. So there’s a lot of climbing and jumping down. Remember the foreshadowing of Syrus’s bad ankle and Alton climbing for fun? Yeah. This is why. Alton obviously wins.

the challenge

Final Thoughts

This is why you can’t play this game with emotions. If people would have voted Big Easy in, Syrus would have had a real chance. I’m sad to see 2 of my favorites go but I’m really looking forward to seeing where this whole Alton/Jisela thing is gonna go.

What are YOUR final thoughts? How was the music this episode? Let me know in the comments!

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